Wednesday, July 21, 2021


A Neil Diamond song was in my head this morning. The song 'I Am...I Said' speaks to my feelings about where New York City is heading.

Well I'm New York City born and raised

but nowadays 

I'm lost between two shores

LA's fine but it ain't home

New York's home

But it ain't mine no more.

As a writer I see the rough edges and characters which defined the city giving way to conformity and a spirit killing sameness that I despise. The city has lost its soul. I can still go anywhere and sit and write down and write down ideas. Many of the places I visited, frequented, or passed by are gone. I understand change but a spirit killing change is not what I bargained for. 

I will find new places to go to. I still see characters out there. At times I feel like an outsider.

Like the song says; New York's home. but it ain't mine no more.

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