Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 I'm sure many writers go through dry periods. I am in a dry patch but will emerge very, very soon. These periods are a good time to assess and reassess. where we need to go. One can look at dry periods as a negative. I view it as a positive. I have been reenergized or made some changes. I began writing poetry a number of years ago when my story writing felt stale. To date, I have written nearly three hundred poems. 

I've had periods that I didn't write at all. That was good for me because it cleared my mind of distractions and tensions of having to write something even when there was nothing to write. A writer's fear is that he/she has nothing more to write. It can seem like being on a desert road. There's no foliage or sign of life. Just barren wasteland. 

When there's nothing else I put down my pen and take in the situation. Dryness is telling me to stop and smell the roses. Enjoy the time from paper and pen. I can't tell how many times I come back invigorated, ready to start anew.

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