Friday, July 09, 2021


Over the years I have written many different characters. I have wanted to be a few of them; others I will write about then forget about them.

There are a few characters that have sparked aspects of my life I never knew existed. I am a loner who enjoys quiet spaces. Could I explore an abandoned house and not be spooked by my surroundings? Could I be that person who dives into the adult film industry? Can I be that crazy eccentric shunned by society? I feel like all three at various times. 

Writers do change over time. Herman Melville wrote about numerous sea adventures. Later he would write of the horrors of war. There are times I wish I could be transplanted to another period in time to experience what life was like.

It's interesting how connected I feel to certain characters. At times, I wish I were them. Writing about them is fun in itself. How far I will delve into a character's psyche only time will tell.

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