Thursday, April 18, 2019


Do you ever wish that you lived in the time and place of your favorite authors? I am a fan of the Beat Generation. Their heyday was from the late 1940s to early 1960s. Jack Kerouac is my favorite of that group which included Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs and others.

As a thought I can put myself back in that time through imagination. I wonder what it would have been to live in William Shakespeare's time? It's great to study and research the times these authors lived in. It's easy to see a particular generation through 21st century eyes, and that's not good. It would muddle up the scene these authors lived.

I'm grateful for the many, many authors who lived in different times and spaces. Their influence still resonates today. If Jack Kerouac were alive today I would thank him him for putting me on the road to imagination and adventure.

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