Thursday, July 09, 2015

Summer Reading

When I was in grade school I had to read a certain of books during summer vacation. I must have been in my early teens. I thought this would be a drag. I went on to read six books that summer. I felt a sense of accomplishment and appreciation of a job well done. 

That summer spring boarded to consistent reading habits for over fifty years. I try and read at least one book per month. I wonder how many young people actually read during the summer months. With the advent of social media, Kindle, Nook, and Facebook, reading a book may seem antiquated to some modern minds. I have read books on the computer and Nook but it doesn't have the same impact as pages between my fingers. I get cross-eyed if  I'm on the computer too long.

To those of you reading for the summer, congratulations and good luck. If you're an adult that fine too. Reading is important in other areas of life such as improving vocabulary, pacing, sentence structure, and understand the author you are reading. Reading is challenging and fun in my opinion.

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