Sunday, March 31, 2019


Have any of you done any public speaking? I find that it sharpens one's focus and thought process. Open mic is a wonderful way to cut the chops of speaking to the public.

I remember my first speech when I was a junior in high school. I was nervous and palms were sweating. A couple of years later someone suggested to me to have an outline of what I wanted to speak and to take it fom there. I still follow this today.

Knowing the subject and doing the groundwork is vital. When I read poems from a particular author, I also read his/her biography. It was an immense help to me when I read Sylvia Plath's life story. I then comprehended her poetry with much clarity.

The key to public speaking is to focus on what you want to say, not on the audience. You may have butterflies in your stomach, however, use them to your advantage.

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