Saturday, September 27, 2008


It is estimated that around 50 million people in this country are classified as illiterate. By illiterate it means that these people cannot read or write proficiently to the acceptible norms to function in society. It doesn't mean that the people are lazy, unintelligent, or lack creativity. It's quite the opposite. I taught literacy to adults for five years. Many of them are creative, have skills, have drive and determination. They are overcomers in that they have carved out a decent life despite these deficiencies.

You may be asking what does literacy have to do with writing? Plenty. Just because people cannot read or write does not mean that they don't have a story to tell. Every one has one. I remember tutoring a young lady several years ago. She expressed her dislike for writing. I brought her to a bookstore and purchased a couple of books for her to read. I advised her to write something about what she read. In time, this young lady wrote some beautiful and heartfelt poetry.

I encouraged my students to keep a journal to record their feelings, thoughts, concerns, and triumphs. I saw some feel more at ease with themselves afterwards. I am studying to become a teacher. One of my concerns is that many young people are losing the love for the written word and reading. Many are computer savvy, know how to text message, and google. However, the knowledge and mastery of the English language is being lost. I maintain to the mind retains much from the written word than from technology such as the computer and texting. I'm NOT against technology; just that the art of writing is being lost.

In summary, there are many illiterate men and women who need to be encouraged to learn to read and write. How many stories and legacies could be kept in written form if these dear people could write it themselves. This is not something to be taken lightly.

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