Tuesday, September 02, 2008


September is upon us. It's back to school for some of us. To others it is the unofficial end of fun and sun. To those of us who write for a living or for enjoyment, there is never a vacation. I look at summer as a time to gather ideas and information in regard to where I want to travel as a writer.

I reread some of my writings from several years ago. It revealed my depths of darkness as I struggled with personal issues. I always encouraged my adult literacy students to write what and how they feel when life seems to want to stop them from achieveing their goals. Wen I read some of their comments I was intrigued by the depths of their innermost feelings. This was something that I struggled to obtain as a writer. When I read my past work I discovered my own despair. I poured out everything within my soul on paper. I had achieved what I wanted.
I only found out this year.

In yesterday's blog I mentioned that the sight of St. Mark's Church took me back to the days of my young manhood. Here it is nearly forty years later that I finally understand what it is to put your soul into writing believeable stories. I was always afraid of opening up my true feelings to others. It was something that I feared but now I must reveal what I have inside because it may impact someone's life. Helping others is something I have decided to dedicate the rest of my life with.

Being a multigendered person, writing has taken on a new dimension. I have to tell a story from this perspective. To use a voice that is not my own does a disservice to my readers and to myself.

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