Wednesday, August 09, 2023


I carry a notebook and pen wherever I go. There's more ideas floating around than I can grab. I try to be observant of the people and places that are around.  It doesn't have to be earth shattering or dynamic. It can an article of clothing, a sign, a person's mannerisms, etc.  

I have ideas scribbled down in notebooks from years past. Every once in a while I'll go back and look at them. At times, my perspective about what is written has changed with the passing years. I have gained a better understanding on why I wrote these little snippets. 

Keep picking those plums from those tree. Don't dismiss anything because it could be that diamond-in-the-rough. Don't ever throw away a notebook. I have a crate full of them. There may some some juicy plums waiting to be tasted.

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