Tuesday, June 08, 2021


I would describe my reading tastes as eclectic. I read everything from history to Shakespeare to biographies. I follow sports, politics, religion, and economics. Reading different genres and subjects expands my mind in directions.

Several years ago I took to writing poetry after feeling that my short story and essay writing had grown stale. It sharpened my focus on pace and expression. I have written over two hundred poems (one per night). I find myself wishing that I lived at a particular point in time. I love the time elevated trains were a common sight in New York City. Same thing with trolley cars. I was just a kid when the els and trolleys were fazed out. 

Reading an unfamiliar genre helped my vocabulary as well as my writing style. I have a file box full of words and their meanings. I'm more of a non-fiction reader, so the occasional fiction story is a break from the sometimes intense real-life story. Somewhere in the future, I will try another genre (love to challenge myself).

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