Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and you.
~Langston Hughes
Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and you.
~Langston Hughes
I find myself going into depths that take me to some unusual places. I think that's why I enjoy reading horror. Several years ago I went through a tumultuous time in my life where I was falling into a bottomless pit. The changes in my life would be radical. It was a road that I traveled alone. In the end, I emerged a new and different person.
My writing has undergone some changes and that's a good thing. I enjoy dark and quirky characters because they are more interesting. They also reveal my own idiosyncrasies. When the veil was lifted I possessed more than I imagined.
My focus at the moment is aloneness. The dictionary may describe it as being lonely, however, in my instance, that is not the case. I enjoy being alone. I'm wanting to write an essay about the subject. It may take me to some dark place and that's alright.
We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.
Ernest Hemingway
I am expanding the character description of one of my protagonists in my stories. Np one can remain in their twenties forever, so a change is in order.
I have felt great advances in my poetry, the main one being a growing victory over word nuances and superfluidity of adjectives.
~Sylvia Plath, Poet (1932-1963)
BAINBRIDGE- Alabama, Georgia, New York, Washington
CLINTON- Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey
HILLSBOROUGH- California, Florida, New Jersey, North Carolina
RICHLAND- Alabama, Minnesota, Mississippi, Texas, Washington
I would describe my reading tastes as eclectic. I read everything from history to Shakespeare to biographies. I follow sports, politics, religion, and economics. Reading different genres and subjects expands my mind in directions.
Several years ago I took to writing poetry after feeling that my short story and essay writing had grown stale. It sharpened my focus on pace and expression. I have written over two hundred poems (one per night). I find myself wishing that I lived at a particular point in time. I love the time elevated trains were a common sight in New York City. Same thing with trolley cars. I was just a kid when the els and trolleys were fazed out.
Reading an unfamiliar genre helped my vocabulary as well as my writing style. I have a file box full of words and their meanings. I'm more of a non-fiction reader, so the occasional fiction story is a break from the sometimes intense real-life story. Somewhere in the future, I will try another genre (love to challenge myself).
HAZELTON- Idaho, Indiana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, WestVirginia
LINWOOD- Kansas, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas
NEW CASTLE- Delaware, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia
For a lot of people, becoming an author is a change in occupation...they are coming from something that totally has nothing to do with this. If they are expecting to come into a room full of people praising them, then they are in the wrong place.
~ Eric Jerome Dickey