Friday, October 12, 2018


Writing during the down times can be like trying to climb a mountain when you're really tired. Writing when life seems blah can be difficult, but it has been done. Sylvia Plath wrote her best poetry during the last six months of her life in the the throws of oncoming depression. Robert Lowell construct masterpieces while battling mental illness and alcoholism. One may not be in such a state but down periods are real.

I believe some of my most potent poems came during a time when I struggled with gender issues (I'll post a couple of them in my next post). I had never been to depths so low as during those weeks. Writing helped me keep my sanity. Eventually I was saved from a dark abyss. 

There a times when assessment is needed in our lives. It can come at some unexpected times. Looking back, I am happy that I went through difficult times. It makes me appreciate life more.

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