Monday, September 17, 2018


Sappho (630BC-580BC) was ancient Greek poet born on the island of Lesbos. Sappho is known for her lyrical poetry which is sung and accompanied by the playing of a lyre. Not much is known about her life except through her poetry which has been lost. Only one complete poem, Ode To Aphrodite, exists. 

Sappho came from an aristocratic family. She ran an academy for unmarried young women. the school was devoted to the cults of Aphrodite and Eros. Sappho was held in high regard as a poet. Plato referred to her as the 'Tenth Muse'.  She addressed the difficulties of love rather than the gods and epic narratives common in that era. Her poems spoke to the individual. They are spontaneous, simple, direct and honest. 

There's always been speculation about Sappho's sexuality but much of that is just that- speculation. So little is known about Sappho and is forever lost.

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