Tuesday, May 22, 2018


With the warm weather here I spend much more time outdoors. There's so many ideas for poems and short stories floating about. It's a matter of latching on to an idea, inspiration, some nugget which can be developed into a piece of writing. 

Sylvia Plath is one of my favorite authors. She could accurately describe scenes about the sea and her surroundings as if I am also there. After reading a biography about her life, I gained a much better understanding of who she was and her mindset when she wrote. Ms. Plath was complicated but poignant.

Writing is not an easy process because it may open up things in our lives that were not always pleasant. It can take us to places where we experienced much joy. Being outdoors brings me in contact with inspirations walking beside and around me. It can be a person, place, nature, an object, anything.

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