Saturday, March 17, 2018


TITLE: Up From Slavery- The Autobiography of Booker T. Washington

PUBLISHER: Carol Publishing Company, NY


This was one book on my bucket list. I have read about Booker T. Washington but not at at great length. Having read this book about his life, to me, he is a great American and captures the spirit of what America is all about. In spite of his rough beginning as a slave, Mister Washington never lost his drive to better himself. And that he did.

My father used to tell me about Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University) when I was in my early teens. I wasn't keen on the idea of going to college in the South. Having read this book, I can see why he wanted me to. I love that Mister Washington pushed to his student needed both hands on knowledge and book knowledge. The students built a number of the buildings  at the Institute. I'm sure many of his students learned valuable lessons personal responsibility. Sure need more Booker T. Washingtons today.

The selflessness of this humble man is something to be admired. He was concerned about the southern white man as much as the people of own race. Few men get the respect that Mister Washington received. With all the offers and honors bestowed upon him, Tuskegee was his first love, his ministry you could say.

Up From Slavery is one book I would read to school children, high school students, and adults. I have never rated a book this high but this is one I would tell everyone, regardless of race, to read.

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