Thursday, January 25, 2018


Tonight while researching about Virginia Woolf, I discovered that she was a friend of Ezra Pound. Pound was conservative who had some fascist views. I decided to look up conservative writers. The list is quite interesting. Here is a partial list.

Jack Kerouac                                                                 
William Faulkner
Marianne Moore
Kinsley Amis
Martin Amis
Ted Hughes
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Jorge Luis Borges
Agatha Christie
Tom Clancy
Noel Coward
Dean Koontz
Ayn Rand
Gertrude Stein
Wallace Stevens
Hunter S. Thompson
W B Yeats
Fyodor Doestoevsky

I have read a number of these writers and enjoy their work. Though I don't share some of their views, they are great writers nevertheless. I believe that I can learn from anyone, regardless of their political beliefs.

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