Wednesday, May 11, 2016


I have looked over stories I wrote years earlier. I'm always seeking ways to improve my writing skills. I take into account how much I've changed since those stories were written. I have mentioned in the past that I love unusual and eccentric people. I'm also find beauty in mundane places. A deserted bus terminal. An empty church. A riverside pier. A quiet subway station. The last one I wrote a short short love story. 

While I am evolving as a writer, I'm changing as a person. I'm not sure if it's age or that there's much more inside of me than possibly I ever thought. What helps is that I'm open to new experiences. Then there's the other side; taking the chance on them. I don't know if in my older years I'm getting bolder or maybe these experiences will help me to become the person I seek to be. One reason I enjoyed reading Jack Kerouac's novels is that he experienced life.

I wonder what changes will happen both writing wise and personally. I'm curious and anticipating this. Life can be stranger than fiction.

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