Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hectic Schedule

It's been awhile since I posted. Family issues and schedule have been hectic. Battle with some sinuses myself. This weather has gotten many people sick. Cold one day, warm the next. El Nino in full force.

I have been writing and performing monologues. The theater project group at church performed a monologue called Collections on February 21st during Black History Month. A couple of weeks later, I was solo on a monologue titled The Prodigal Son and The Forgotten Daughter. The bible story is taken from the perspective of the unnamed and unknown daughter. I really enjoyed performing this.

A group of us are currently writing a piece for a monologue we will perform some time in June. I will fill you in on the details as they come. I'm involved another theater project call the Transgeneration  Theater Project. It's using theater and art to bring together different generations of transgender and gender non conforming people. It's wonderful meeting so many great young trans folks. There is one performance scheduled for April 2nd. Possibly another will happen on April 8th. Right now this is tentative. 

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