Friday, November 13, 2015

Bill Kushner Memorial Reading

Memorial Reading for Bill Kushner

Join us to celebrate the life and work of dear poet Bill Kushner, who passed away in August. With Don Yorty, Lewis Warsh, Anselm Berrigan, Eddie Berrigan, Stacy Szymaszek, Lee Ann Brown, John Godfrey, Maggie Dubris, Patricia Spears Jones, Peter Bushyeager, Phyllis Wat, Dennis Moritz, Lydia Cortes, Cliff Fyman, KB Nemcosky, Barbara Henning, Charlotte Carter, Steve Spicehandler, Elinor Nauen, Tom Savage, Merry Fortune, Noam Scheindlin, and Ken “Angel” Davis.
I listened to Bill read his poetry at the New Years Day Poetry Marathon at St. Mark's Church. He was a fixture there and one person I looked forward to listening to.   

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