Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Quiet But The Ideas Are Still Flowing

It's been quiet on the writing front but the ideas haven't taken a vacation. I've been writing down ideas, notes, jottings, tidbits, and doodles of ideas that I hope will turn into plays, poems, or short stories.

I'm mulling over the idea of publishing some poems for a chapbook. Plays are in the offing but I have a long way to go. I've only written about a half dozen thus far. Still writing down how I want to write a novella. Thought I had one written but upon further review, I needed to develop the character more. I also needed to do more research on the adult film industry. I'm not involved in it in any way. As a young person I frequented adult bookstores more out of curiosity. Now I desire to write about a character who is involved within the industry. 

Perhaps I'm stretching my boundaries and, if that's the case, then so be it. I believe that in writing one shouldn't limit themselves. It's important to be open to every idea and experience that may happen.  

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