Sunday, March 15, 2015

Writing Plays

I was doing my wash at the laundromat when an an old friend recognized me. We hugged and exchange pleasantries. The conversation got to writing. We had met at a local bookstore over a year where he was the curator of an open mic series. My wife and I had read stories and poems there.

My friend is an actor who writes plays and stories. He asked if I was writing poems. I replied that I am along with short stories and commentaries. The subject got around to my life experiences and he suggested that I write about them. I never really thought about doing this. I wrote a play over a decade ago about the the days in between Jesus's crucifixion and his resurrection. 

Play writing is something I want to incorporate into my writing life. I am looking at some of my stories I've written and wonder if they can be turned into plays. I need to sit down and pour over my my life experiences and put them in play form.  I am a fan of Greek and Latin plays. I need to read plays by people like Sophicles and Aeschylus to get an idea of how to write a play.

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