Sunday, January 18, 2015

Brain Too Fast For Hand To Write

I have a lot of stories and commentaries to write about. The trouble comes when I don't know which one to write first. Too many ideas buzz in my head which sometimes results in me not doing anything. I've been writing a chapbook for a couple of years and am still writing it. 

My problem comes because I think much faster than I write. I have a ton of notebooks lying here. I have ideas but need to focus on them AND complete them. This has been a lifetime battle for me. When I complete my projects, I feel good about it. I'm sure a lot of writers have gone through the same thing I do. It does get frustrating because I could be much further along in my writing.

Right now I'm creating an action plan as to how to complete my projects. Sure isn't easy because I need to slow down and focus. The writing part is easy; it's the organizing part that's difficult.  

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