Monday, August 25, 2014

Book Review

Title: Wilderness-The Lost Writings Of Jim Morrison-Volume I
Publisher: Vintage Books  New York  Copyright 1988    
Rating: 6.5

Morrison's poetry was strange to say the least, but it was uniquely his own. It's to bad that there are no dates when Jim wrote these words. I recognize some lines right away. For example, on page 99 it has the lines
   Motel, money, murder, madness
   Change the mood from glad to sadness.
These two lines were featured in the song L.A. Woman. I found this pattern scattered throughout Wilderness. Morrison's intellectual and creativity challenged the conventions of his time, which I lived through. His poetry was as complex as he was. I wonder if he really wanted us to really know what he was thinking?   

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  Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)