Friday, May 02, 2014

Travel Spurs Writing

Whenever I travel, I can usually find some thing to write about.  Admiring the scenery whizzing by, it took me back to days when I traveled upstate New York almost every summer. I admired the trails that led into the forest, the grazing cattle, the farms and bedroom communities. I loved to wander into the forest when I went camping. I felt at one with nature. I'm part Indian, so I probably have a strong attachment to the land.

No matter where you are there is always something to write about. I can write endless stories about trails. There's so many directions trails can lead. A great mystery or horror story maybe? Someone finding nirvana? A lot of possibilities exist. I'm not a travel writer but it certainly is a consideration.

The little things noted can turn into great ideas. During the bus ride I took note of the many streams and rivers. I imagined myself with my backpack traveling the land. I'm currently reading Jack Kerouac's Dharma Bums. He traveled through the country hitchhiking, hoboing and by foot. He gave a great geography lesson of the west. I have traveled some and see the opportunity to write about it. 

Remember to take notes on everything you observe. Sit and absorb your surroundings and feel nature. I'm sure that your perspective and creativity will change.

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