Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Reading Life

This year I read twenty one books. I'm not sure it's the most I've read in a year but I'm proud of what I accomplished. I read two books by Jack Kerouac and one by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. These two authors were a part of the Beat Generation of the 1950s. 

I read more poetry this ear than ever before. Theodore Roethke was interesting in that his knowledge of the earth and plants and nature were astounding. It made me think of ways to improve my own writing. Delmore Schwartz' Screeno and Last and Lost Writings kept in line my interest in brilliant but obscure writers.

It's good to read biographies of the poets I'm reading. Sylvia Plath's bio help me comprehend the poignant and tempestuous words she penned. Reading more biographies is one goal I've set for 2013. I have been  challenging myself to be more daring so I'm making an attempt at play-writing.   

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