Thursday, December 27, 2012


A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight,
and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest
of the world. 

~Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Reading Life

This year I read twenty one books. I'm not sure it's the most I've read in a year but I'm proud of what I accomplished. I read two books by Jack Kerouac and one by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. These two authors were a part of the Beat Generation of the 1950s. 

I read more poetry this ear than ever before. Theodore Roethke was interesting in that his knowledge of the earth and plants and nature were astounding. It made me think of ways to improve my own writing. Delmore Schwartz' Screeno and Last and Lost Writings kept in line my interest in brilliant but obscure writers.

It's good to read biographies of the poets I'm reading. Sylvia Plath's bio help me comprehend the poignant and tempestuous words she penned. Reading more biographies is one goal I've set for 2013. I have been  challenging myself to be more daring so I'm making an attempt at play-writing.   

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way,
a counselor, a multitude of counselors.

~Charles Baudelaire

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

 I have read some of Lawrence Ferlinghetti's biography and found him fascinating. He worked with such luminaries as Allen Ginsberg, Diane diPrima, Jack Kerouac and Denise Levertov. Ferlinghetti has such a varied life; poet, publisher, painter, activist. This is something that I am striving to do.

I will need to read more of his work. If I ever go to San Francisco, I will visit City Light Bookstore. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I read this poem last night which I found revealing and true. It struck a chord with me because I have seen this first hand.

The party hoppers wolfing down the wine and cheese
without a glance at what might be considered art 
At all those Thursday evening openings in San Francisco galleries
And the critics and the crickets and the singles out to score
And the docents of the donor classes
sheath in silk & Christian Dior holding long-stemmed glasses

With the tide of tinkled voices rising
And the painter to one side apprising
the whole uprising as if from a most distant shore
And say to himself Is this what I am painting for?
No wonder then that he adrift in this society
doth drink too much and roll upon the floor?

Poem #37 from 'A Far Rockaway of the Heart' by Lawrence Ferlinghetti  

Becoming A Well Rounded Writer

When I was in college I enjoyed the courses taken in Shakespeare, John Milton, film and theater. As an English minor my interest in modern and and ancient writing piqued my interest in literature as a whole. 

I started writing poetry in earnest only two years ago. I love to read horror stories and have attempted writing a story set in a castle. One goal I have is to write a full length play. As you can see I have interest in all forms of literature.  Part of being a good writer, I believe,is to try my hand in all forms of the arts.

 I have been evolving as a  poet because I want to share with the public about life and how we are all part of the solutions that will be needed to make our world a better place. The quote I posted in my last posting bears that thought out.  


A poet's work is to name the unnameable,
to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments,
shape the world, and stop it going to sleep.

~Salman Rushdie

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Book Review

Title: Book of Blues

Author: Jack Kerouac

Publisher: Penguin Books

Rating: 6.5

I will admit that I'm fascinated with Jack Kerouac. He is a one of a kind author who has an every day style of writing. Book of Blues seems a bit disjointed in spots and not always easy to follow. By the end I could pick up on what Kerouac was communicating. I read his first book On The Road a couple of years back so I wasn't a stranger to his work. 

Book of Blues was the third book by Kerouac that I read. His writing is more prose than poetry. I admire his quirky personality and his many travels around the globe. It is because of his quirkiness that I will read his other work. I will read a biography of his life and then, maybe, I can have a grasp of writings.