Friday, June 22, 2012

Immerse Yourself On Many subjects

I read books on many subjects. It's not beyond me to pick up a science book and read it. I may read the Wall Street Journal one day and biography the next. The particular subject I'm reading may not be my area of expertise but it does expand my horizons. This is important to a writer.

I am current working on a story with a castle as a backdrop. I've never visited a castle before but have a fascination with them. I find it exciting because it opens my mind to new possiblities. It's a way of challenging myself. An example is that I never liked history until I was thirty five. Now I enjoy doing historical research. 

Being open to new ideas and experiences is a boon to any writer. Never limit or close your mind to areas you're not familiar with. This may be the change to work through that writer's block you may be experiencing. It could open up new avenues of thought.   

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