Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reading Many Styles OF Writing

As I have written more poetry, I have also written short stories and commentarites also. I have been able to come up with words when I read stories or books. Sometimes it doesn't take much to generate a poem. My wife is amazed how I can write a poem after I think of one.

I just finished a book of ancient Greek poems. I have an interest in Greek and Roman poetry. In college, I studied Western Civilization and became fascinated with daily life in those societies. I imagined myself a citizen of those places. I've done the same with ancient Africa and Native Americans.

I don't believe that there's an exact science to writing poetry. There's so many styles and experiences of different authors. I never criticise other poets because every one has a story to share from their own experiences. Herman Melville, Langston Hughes, Edgar Allan Poe, and Sylvia Plath are some of my favorite authors. They were all so different and unique.

Reading so many different styles of poetry has helped me hone my craft. I have written about nature, gender, horror, a political poem, and redemption. This just scratches the surface of what I want to accomplish as I continue to evolve as a poet.

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