Friday, August 13, 2010

Widening Our Horizons

I try and read at least one book per month. My interests vary widely from religion to economics to biographies to history. As a writer I need to read different genres if I am going to convey knowledge of these subjects to my audience. In turn, it opens our minds to new ideas and different perspectives.

I tend to gravitate to books and articles by people who may not fit conventional mores. I have Herman Melville's books. He is a writer whose work was criticised by the critics of his day. I find his books exciting and something different from what I have experienced. His knowledge of sailing and the sea is uncanny. Melville is one of those authors who 'flies under the radar' when famous authors are discussed. Recently, his work has experienced a revival.

Though a particular genre may not be your thing, give it a try. It can open our eyes to a world that we may not have known existed. It can also be a vehicle for future endeavors where you have a reservoir to draw from.


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