Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gertrude Stein (1874-1926)

Gertrude was an American author who influenced writers such as Sherwood Anderson and Ernest Hemingway. Stein was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania and graduated from Radcliffe College.

Stein's writing style was simple and repetitive. She believed that a lot of punctuation and difficult words distracted the reader fro the feelings of the characters. Telling the stories were secondary to Stein's communicating the feelings of the characters. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas is her best known book. It was about herself from Alice Toklas's point of view. Lectures in America, published in 1935, is a collection of lectures on literature, painting, and music.

Gertrude Stein was also an art critic and collector. She encouraged painters such as Pablo Picsso and Henri Martisse.

World Book Encyclopedia

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