The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.
~A. B. Yehoshua
The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.
~A. B. Yehoshua
Born in Mountain Home, Arkansas
Poet, professor
First collection of poems named ' Room Rented By A Single Woman.'
Also: One Big Self
One With Others
Deepstep Come Shining
If I was a screenwriter, I would write about people who aren't matinee idols or sirens. My subjects are plain and non descript. With Hollywood's accent on good looking performers, I want to give some love to folks who defy Hollywood's stereotypes.
Bail, bale
Base, bass
Pair, pare, pear
Peer, pier
Raise, raze
Waive, wave
Way, weigh
Read and write with a sensitive ear. The craft of writing is very important. Practice the craft.
~Henry Petroski
tanka aka waka
Wrote in the most traditional format of Japanese literature
Classical (early Heian) period in Japanese literature (794 AD-1185 AD)
Nothing much is known about her life.
Renowned for her unusual beauty
Among 36 Poetry Immortals
Poems are pensive, melancholy, and erotic. Most of her poems are melancholy.
A life in vain
My looks, talents faded
like these cherry blossoms
paling in the endless rains
that I gaze upon, alone.
beat, beet
cent, scent, sent
coarse, course
clothes, close
loan, lone
oar, ore
root, route
scene, seen
sign, sine
whine, wine
There are different rules for reading, for thinking, and for talking. Writing blends all three of them.
~Mason Cooley, Writer (1927-2002)
A friend of mine is writing her memoirs about her life transition. Writing a memoir, one will dredge up some bitter memories of the past. To leave those moments out could take away from the story.
Writers can also bring out repressed or long-neglected feeling in themselves. I see this as crossing the divide. This has personally happened to me. I'm neither shocked nor surprised because I believe that writing should evoke these feelings. It's up to me how I choose to deal with them.
Council, counsel
Currant, current
Dear, deer
Sear, seer
Soar, sore
Their, there
I spend a lot of time in a sort of free state when I'm writing in the beginning and sketching.
~ Tony Gilroy
Hart Crane
Alexandre Dumas
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Herman Hesse
Ernest Hemingway
Aldous Huxley
Franz Kafka
Alice Munro
Pablo Neruda
Marcel Proust
J. K. Rowling
Wole Soyinka
Wislawa Szmborska
Henry David Thoreau
Margaret Walker
E. B. White