Tuesday, June 30, 2015


While I was out and about I read a number of movie advertisement on the subway station. One advertisement was an upcoming TV series The Park Bench. I'm assuming that the main theme will be three people sitting on a bench talking. 

Settings are my favorite part of a play. I could enjoy setting up a stage area. When writing a play character building runs along the same vein. As I mused over the poster I thought about how I'm writing two character plays, Image what it's like when three or more characters are in it. 

I was in three or four different places today. I now can see how I can write a play with the subway,  a community center, a park and a pier as my back drop. Guess you can say that it's a revelation.

Today's Word


Something associated with another;an accessory. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Today's Word


Earlier than; before.

Plays On Different Topics

Yesterday, my wife asked me if I'm going to write plays just about transgender topics. I told her that I will be writing about other things as well. I'm contemplating writing about experiences in my life at the suggestion of a friend. 

I studied William Shakespeare in college and have read thirteen of his plays. His plays feature many different characters, sometimes up to ten. I'm writing one and two person plays currently. I'm getting a feel about developing a character. I picked up a couple of anthologies of plays. I can see what goes into writing and creating a play. This looks very exciting and I loo forward to developing more of my ow plays.


Fifteen hundred posts! Woo Hoo!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Today's Word


Not to be trusted; untrustworthy.


I did some improv at the theater project yesterday. Wow! Is that a challenge! I never did before. The challenge is that you really have to think on your feet and be alert. I struggled at first. Then I got the hang of it. My wife was really good at it. I would love to do this again.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Words Of Wisdom

Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results-the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do whatever it wants with you, regardless.

~Elizabeth Gilbert

Today's Word


A changing scene of many elements.

A shifting series of phantasms, illusions,or deceptive appearances as in a dreams or created by the imaginations. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Fresh Fruit Festival

This annual festival celebrates LGBTQ arts and culture. This will be the 13th year that the festival will be presented. It will be from July 13 thru the 26th at the Wild Project Theater at 193 East 3rd Street in the East Village. I am making the attempt to attend having wanting to for a while now.

For more information go to:


Today's Word


Able to hold or contain a lot;  large in capacity.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


23rd Annual Poets House Showcase Opening Reading

June 25, 2015 at 7 pm

Bill Berkson
Dorothea Lasky
Rowan Ricardo Phillips
Elizabeth Willis

Admission: FREE

NEW YORK, NY 10282
Tel.  (212) 431-7920 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Wrote A Play

Late last night I wrote a play about two people coming to terms in their relationship after the male partner transitions into a woman. It was by far the easiest play I've ever written. I don't have a title for it as yet (I'm lousy at choosing a title). 

I'm finding that I really enjoy play writing. I've wanted to do in the past, having taken a stab at writing a couple of plays. What I'm discovering is that developing characters is not easy. What makes a good character is creating someone you can relate to or is believable. This is a reason I love the stage. If I was an actor I would act in plays.

Quad Cinema Closed For Renovations

Some of you may not know that the Quad Cinema on West 13th Street is currently closed for renovations. It's scheduled to reopen in the fall. What date that will be I don't know.  

Today's Word


A sickly, yellow color.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pride and Prejudice

The famous Jane Austen novel will be performed at the Theater For The New City at 155 First Avenue in the East Village. The play will run from June 18 thru July 12th.  

Tel. (212) 254-1109

Today's Word


Deep blue; sky blue, azure

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Words Of Wisdom

Write!Write!Write some more! Write whatever comes to mind. Don't concern yourself with punctations or correct spelling. By writing this way you may found ideas for a story, play, or a poem.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Current Reading

I can't get enough of Jack Kerouac. I'm reading Desolation Angels, a novel about his time as a fire lookout in Washington state. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Film Festival

The Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be at the IFC Center at 323 Sixth Avenue at West 3rd Street from June 12-21. For information call 212-924-7771 or go to 


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Words Of Wisdom

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

~Benjamin Franklin.



Doug Treem, host & emcee



Please note tonight’s change of time & venue: Howl! Arts 6 East First Street (near the Bowery), New York, NY HTTP://WWW.HOWLARTS.ORG/ HTTP:// WWW.NYQ.ORG

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Getting It Together

It's been a while. I battled with illness (terrible allergy) for over a week. Had to take care of some personal issues. 

I'm way behind in my reading. I've been play writing and writing some short stories. I meant to post some of the activities coming up but, as you can see, other things have interfered. I will post something later on or tomorrow about that.