Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Words of Wisdom
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus (1913-1960) I referenced this quote a few months ago for another forum. I view change as a second spring because another phase in our lives is beginning. I view poetry in much the same manner because it speaks of life in a metaphorical setting. Poetry can express many emotions in just one sonnet or stanza. I have seen poems embrace everything from love to despair to hope. From depression to anger to triumph. When I decided to concentrate on writing poems two months ago, it was my second spring. It seemed that my short story and essay writing lacked passion and creativity and not a lack of ideas. I had written poems sporadically in the past. I read over some that I had written several years ago during a dark period in my life. The poems were despairing, dark, and longed for escape. I wrote simply but very clear and descriptively about my feelings at those exact moments. I wrote twenty-three poems in all which surprised me because I didn't think that I was capable of writing one. I am reading the works of many poets. Some are famous; others not so well known. Each poet shares his or her own story. Now I am sharing mine. ~Genevieve
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Poet's House
Thursday, March 31, 7:00pm Poetic Process & Inspiration: Jean Valentine & Brian Teare National Book Award–winning poet Jean Valentine shares the stage with former student and acclaimed poet Brian Teare for a reading and conversation about the process of writing poems and inspiration. $10, $7 for students and seniors, free to Poets House Members Poet's House 10 River Terrace New York, NY A,C to Chambers Street
Saturday Night @Nuyorican
Jacqueline Santiago Presents "Damaged" @ Nuyorican Poets Cafe April 2, 2011 8:00 pm $15. 236 E. 3 Street (bet. A & B) F train to 2nd Avenue 6 train to Bleeker
Friday, March 25, 2011
Herman Melville
I have been reading the work of Herman Melville. He was an interesting author, well acquainted with the sufferings of war. He wrote much about the Civil War. He wasn't a combatant but he did go to the front lines during one battle in Virginia. He witness the bravery and the suffering.
I was surprised at how his novel, Moby Dick, was so poorly received. I enjoyed the book personally. Melville traveled the seas extensively and could really describe what went on. I always thought that Meliville was a great writer who flys under the radar when great writers of the 19th century are mentioned.
I was surprised at how his novel, Moby Dick, was so poorly received. I enjoyed the book personally. Melville traveled the seas extensively and could really describe what went on. I always thought that Meliville was a great writer who flys under the radar when great writers of the 19th century are mentioned.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Poems Every Day
I have been writing at least two poems per day. I read some to my wife last night. I wrote a poem last night while riding the train.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Words of Wisdom
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have
the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The
worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt.
~Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)
the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The
worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt.
~Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Different Authors
Poetry has been in my veins the past several weeks. I have been reading much poetry. I have read Edgar Allan Poe, Claude McKay, Sylvia Plath, and Robert Frost to mention a few. I am amazed by the wide range of style and soliloquy. Plath is intriguing because of the metaphors she uses. Much of it is foreign to me since it is about English landscapes. Frost has wide range of styles and knowledge about many subjects. I'm really loving reading all of the these poems.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Poetry and More Poetry
I have been reading and writing a lot of poetry. I'm reading the poetry of Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost, and James Wright. Three different styles but all share of themselves and their life experiences.
I have material for a couple of chapbooks. It will probably take a few weeks to put one together. I see chapbooks in independent bookstores but none at the major chains. It's a niche I beleive is very good to new writers.
I have material for a couple of chapbooks. It will probably take a few weeks to put one together. I see chapbooks in independent bookstores but none at the major chains. It's a niche I beleive is very good to new writers.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Literary Resource

Today was the first time I visited Poet's House ( It was a trip worth taking. Located in Battery City Park near the World Trade Center site, it is a newly constrtucted building nestled by high rises, condominiums, and a riverside park along the Hudson River.
It is a 50,000 volume library that features poetry books, chapbooks, literary reviews, a catalogue, and a helpful staff. Workshops, classes, and reading are held on a regular basis. As a blossoming poet, I will make frequent use of this fine source of information. The library is located on the second floor where there is a lovely view of the Hudson River. I watched children play in the playground. I thought of some ideas for future pieces of poetry. One could wax nostalgic by admiring the view but I managed to concentrate on my work.
Friday, March 04, 2011
Chapbook Festival
Last night I attended a chapbook festival in New York City. There were about twenty different small presses presenting chapbooks from many authors. It was a wonderful experience because I discovered that there's a market for these chapbooks.
I attended a workshop later on. Five young editors shared their experiences. I was amazed at how easy it is to make a chapbook. I am writing poems for a chapbook. I will contact one of these presses when I finish. I liked best was that authors aren't constricted by format but are allowed to share their work as it is.
I have been challenged to read even more now than ever. I am writing much these days and will continue to do so.
I attended a workshop later on. Five young editors shared their experiences. I was amazed at how easy it is to make a chapbook. I am writing poems for a chapbook. I will contact one of these presses when I finish. I liked best was that authors aren't constricted by format but are allowed to share their work as it is.
I have been challenged to read even more now than ever. I am writing much these days and will continue to do so.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Thursday, March 3 2011 7:00pm
The Inspired Word
Featured poets & limited open mic (signup at 6:30!)
Hosted by Michael Geffner
One and One Bar & Restaurant (downstairs Nexus Lounge)
76 East 1st Street @ First Avenue
$10 21+ only -- bring ID!
The Inspired Word
Featured poets & limited open mic (signup at 6:30!)
Hosted by Michael Geffner
One and One Bar & Restaurant (downstairs Nexus Lounge)
76 East 1st Street @ First Avenue
$10 21+ only -- bring ID!
Word of Wisdom
Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks.
~Plutarch, Greek Phlosopher (46-120)
~Plutarch, Greek Phlosopher (46-120)
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