Thursday, February 24, 2011

Not An Exact Science

I have always been a nature lover. As a youngster, I would always walked through the woods, exploring and discovering. Writing is the same way in that you have to explore what you want to convey to the audience. Along the way one may discover some things about the craft of writing.

I never thought that writing is an exact science but a continual work in progress. How many of us have thought, after having written and published something, that it could have been better. This is what I love about writing-the critiquing, the self-examination, the reflection of what we said. This somewhat crazy life is exciting to say the least.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Something New @ Nuyorican Poet's Cafe

Songwriter Slam
NEW MONTHLY PROGRAMMING at the Nuyorican! The Nuyorican Poets Cafe presents The Songwriter Slam Every fourth Tuesday of the month, beginning Tuesday, February 22, 2011 and continuing March 22, April 26 etc...

Feb 22, 2011 host: Nisha Asnani feature: Mighty Kate 8.30pm Sign up at door 9.00pm Doors open $7 1. Original pieces are encouraged; reinvented covers are allowed. 2. 1 song or 4 minutes per artist on stage. 3. Artists may use the Cafe's upright piano, or may bring their own handheld instruments (including acoustic/electric guitars, bass, handheld percussion or vocal pedals. Please note that we do not have amplifiers; instruments can be plugged into our DI boxes. 4. A cappella is allowed, but no recorded tracks are allowed. 5. Maximum three people and three instruments per performance. 6. We cannot supply wireless microphones or storage, and there will be no time for sound checks (though artists can warm up quietly backstage).

7. Sign ups are first-come, first-served. Slam Structure: 8.30 pm: doors open for artists--> sign up! 9.00 pm: doors open for everybody 9.10 pm: feature artist performance 9.20 pm: First Round (12 people) 10.20 pm: Second Round (4 people) 11.00 pm: Announcement of Winner Winner will be awarded $20 cash prize, and will be invited to be the feature artist at the following slam

Nuyorican Pet's Cafe
236 East 3rd St (bet. A & B)
New York, NY

Friday, February 18, 2011

Being Prepared

I can write virtually anywhere. On the subway, the bus, in a restaurant, in a park. All around there are thousands of ideas for a novel, poem, or short story. The difficult part is remembering it all. That's why I carry a note book and pen where ever I go. I kick myself when I cannot write a morsel of a scene because I don't have a pen and paper.

I have literally written pages of ideas, descriptions of a restaurant's acoustics, or the physical features of a man or woman. I may not use them right away but it's great to have them for future reference. The point is to keep our senses open for all things. It's amazing how some ideas just pop up right in front of us.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It is 3 am.
The streets are quiet.
A rat scurries in front of me,
disappearing in the alley.

At 3am, the returnes of passion and pleasure diminishes.
3am; I should be in bed, but I'm in my element.
I love my 3am walks
It's very quiet and solitary.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Poetry Slam

Fri, February 11, 2011
10:00 pm
Friday Night Poetry Slam
Hosted by Mahogany Brown

Nuyorican Poets cafe
236 East 3rd Street (bet. A & B)
New York, NY
Subway: F to 2nd Avenue; 6 to Bleeker St.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Words of Wisdom

He who has never failed somewhere, that man can not be great.

~Herman Melville

Friday, February 04, 2011

Film Forum

I like movies especially independent movies and documentaries. I saw my first movie about transgenderism at the Film Forum ( Formerly the Waverly Theater, I have watched this theater blossom into a multimedia event. I'm so pleased that the event is showing documents and old movies. If you are visiting New York or are a resident, come here and take in a movie while enjoying your popcorn.


Thursday, February 03, 2011

Writing As Transportation

Writing does transport me to some other place. It can be on the ocean, in a castle, or in a night club. Regardless of the genre, it's good to take these trips to expand and clear the mind of our daily routine.

My spouse and I used to imagine that we were in a particular city. We would imagine that we were doing activities that we don't find here at home. I would read up on the city or country and pretend that we were part of the culture and citizenry. This also whet my appetite to learn about other cultures and languages. This is another part of my education.

I am current debating between learning Spanish or Portuguese. The languages are similar but there are some differences. Some day maybe I can write something within those settings.


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Words of Wisdom

To read a poem is to hear it with our eyes; to hear it is to see it with our ears.

~Octavio Paz

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


SIGN-UP @ 7:15PM